T. Allen Funeral Service Let our family help your family Use of our Strood Chapel for service, maximum 30 mourners and our Oliver coffin with cremation next day at Medway Crematorium with no attendence £1000.00 Cremation fee 2415.00 Doctor's Fees 2 x 282.00 £164.00 Minister's Fees from £200.00 TOTAL £1779.00 There are many other options available Saturday morning services available at extra cost. CHAPEL OF REST This can cut the times of funeral waiting times, currently 3 weeks. For a personal and private send off for your loved one, Rrls let our family help your family. This Chapel Was Dediceted Ou 29th Angest 2015 By Rev. Devld Greea Dean Of Strood Deanery And Vicar of St. Nicholas Church Strood. / Rainham 38-40 Maidstone Road, Rainham, Kent ME8 0DQ Rainham@allentiuneralservice.co.uk 01634 232700 Rochester 1 268 Maidstone Road, Rochester, Kent MEl 3DT·Rochester@alentfuneralservice.co.uk . 01634 8181 20 Strood 1 Wells Road, Strood, Kent ME2 2PN Strood@allentiuneralservice.co.uk 01634 295552 Twydall 53 Twydall Green, Gillingham, Kent ME8 6XJ. Twydall@allenttuneralservice.co.uk 01634 262690